From the last post, the name I'm going with for the RPG With Some Combat as an Obstacle is Gold & Glory. Behind it are several concepts:
- The party are adventurers, front and center, first and foremost. Their goals align with one of two things, sometimes both: Gold and Glory. Progression will be based on character and party goals, both of which must provide Gold, Glory or both when completed.
- In that vein, the party receives 3 kinds of awards - Gold, which is used to buy stuff; Glory, which is used to improve your character; Things, which can be anything from a title, to loot to a statue in the center of town. When taking up a goal, there should be absolute clarity on what is awarded.
- Characters are relatively simple constructs, created freeform. There are 5 attributes, ranked 0 to 8, and 11 skills, ranked 0 to 4. More is better. To make skills more in-depth, each has abilities which may be learned, called moves, and specializations which may be picked up.
- Rolling is done via a d6 dice pool. The amount is decided by attributes, an amount of dice you roll equal to its rank, and a skill decides how low still counts as a success. Succeeding in a task requires a certain number of successes. Rolling all or none is criticals.
- Equipment is general and provides clean and easy to parse bonuses or advantages. Weapon choice has bearing as far as category goes, armor choice has bearing according to weight.
- HP is Endurance, Mana is used to limit spell use. The prior is how close a character becomes to being taken out by the next attack, when 0 is "right there". The latter relies on open choice magic with limited daily supply.
- Glory is used as XP to improve your character, purchasing skill levels, new moves & specializations and even improved attributes.
- Gaining Glory is done strictly through goals and carousing. Defeat of opponents, in that regard, is not considered inherently glorious. Similarly, a goal must in itself be glory-worthy. Kobolds are rarely glorious. Any fodder is rarely glorious.
- Combat is done in one of two ways - actual fighting, bloody and hectic, and obstacle combat, which is a quick roll against a set difficulty. When doing the latter, the stuff form the previous post comes up.
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